Still under full COVID-conditions but unbreakable the GIESEPP team is taking the next milestone. Once again at Gießen´s Justus-Liebig-University the team around ArianeGroup´s Pilar Valles has gone in full remote with supporting teams in Bremen / Germany, Tres Cantos / Spain and Lampoldshausen / Germany. Altogether they set up a full coupled propulsion system with ArianeGroup´s RIT-2X 5-kW-thruster unit, AST GmbH´s Flow Control Unit (FCU) and Electronic Pressure Regulator (EPR) and CRISA´s Power Processing Unit (PPU). Though the conditions were unusual they made it run and just before Christmas the blue plume paved the way to their reached-out TRL 5 level!
The GIESEPP project is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.